Use Cedar Spills
Within a cigar factory, cigars are aged in rooms lined with fragrant Spanish cedar to maximize their aroma because the smell of cedar blends well with tobacco. Cedar also helps to retain moisture.
This is why many manufacturers place thin sheets of cedar inside of their cigar boxes. To create a cedar spill, simply snap or cut a thin strip of cedar from the sheet to participate in a time-honored ritual. Light the spill and use the flame from the spill to light your cigar. When lighting a cigar, cedar spills will impart an extra measure of spice to your initial puffs and will also make you look like a seasoned pro.
Deal with the Cigar Band
We prefer to leave the band on. Trying to take it off risks tearing the wrapper. Also, the band provides a convenient reference point for holding the cigar. Finally and perhaps most importantly, not only is the band a thing of beauty, it tells others the brand of cigar you are smoking, a brand you should be proud to show off. Think of keeping the band on as a tribute to the cigar maker.