TOP 300 Groucho Marx Pics – Groucho Marx’s Life Long Love Affair with Cigars
circa 1935: American actor Groucho Marx (1890 – 1977), with his trademark moustache and glasses. (Photo via John Kobal Foundation/Getty Images)
Groucho Marx mural – La Barceloneta neighborhood, Barcelona
Groucho Marx Yeppoon Library mural, painted by Out There Co.
circa 1945: American comic Groucho Marx (1890 – 1977), born Julius Henry Marx, with his trademark cigar and spectacles.
American comedian Groucho Marx (1890 – 1977) with his second wife Kay Marvis (1923 – 2000) and their daughter Melinda at their home in Beverly Hills, California, circa 1949. (Photo by Pictorial Parade/Archive Photos/Getty Images)American comedian Groucho Marx (1890 – 1977) with his third wife Eden Hartford (1930 -1983) at the premiere of ‘High Society’, 1st August 1956.The Marx Brothers (left to right): Zeppo, Groucho, Chico, and Harpo fool around on the set of their 1929 comedy The Cocoanuts.American actor and comedian Groucho Marx (1890 – 1977) at a New Year party with actress Eden Hartford, who he married later that year, 11th January 1954.