Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld was a Dutch prince who was the consort of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands – smoking cigar pipe cigarette – (32 photos)
Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld was a Dutch prince who was the consort of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands -smoking cigar pipe cigarette –
Prinz BERNHARD der NIEDERLANDE (Prinz BERNHARD LEOPOLD ZUR LIPPE-BIESTERFELD), Portrait, undatiert, Anfang der 60er JahrenPrinz BERNHARD Leopold zur Lippe-Biesterfeld , Portrait 1968
Prins Aschwin en prinses Simone van Schiphol vertrokken naar New-York, prins Bernhard neemt op Schiphol afscheid van zijn broer prins Aschwin *4 april 1966
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1911 – 2004) with Dutch Prime Minister Pieter Sjoerds Gerbrandy (1885 – 1961, right), circa 1942.Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1911-2004), smoking a pipe, and Prince Karim Aga Khan IV (1911-1960) fishing in the waters off the coast of Porto Cervo on the Costa Smeralda, Sardinia, Italy, in August 1973.
J. Paul Getty (1892 – 1976, left) lunches with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1911 – 2004) at Claridge’s Hotel, London. Prince Bernhard is the current President of the World Wildlife Fund and Mr. Getty has recently donated £21, 100 to the fund, 12th September 1975.
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was today guest of honour at the Luncheon of the Institute of Directors in Australia NSW Branch at the Wentworth Hotel. Prince Bernhard smokes a cigar after lunch. February 06, 1973.