TOP 111 Photos – Pablo Picasso smoking cigar pipe cigarette – – famous smokers – Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso enjoys a cigarette in the comfort of his bentwood rocker in his studio, La Californie, in Cannes, France, in 1957.
Pablo Picasso, artist (died April 1973) is pictured with his second wife Jacqueline Picasso (died October 1986).
1951: Pablo Picasso and Francoise Gillot,
CIRCA 1951: Jacques Prevert and Pablo Picasso. Cannes FRANCE – CIRCA 1963: Jacques Prevert, Picasso And Michele, In Antibes, In 1963 FRANCE – CIRCA 1963: Jacques Prevert And Picasso, In Antibes In 1963 Artist Pablo Picasso (left) smoking a cigarette as he greets politician Maurice Thorez, Leader of the French Communist Party, at the Galerie Matarasso in Nice, December 28th 1956.
Picasso with (left to right) Paloma, Maya, Claude and Paulo. Christmas at La Galloise, Vallauris 1953
Pablo Picasso at his studio on Rue Des Grands Augustins in Paris circa 1950s
PICASSO MME FRANCINE WEISWELLER MME PICASSO ET JEAN COCTEAU En 1949, le poete Jean Cocteau au cours du tournage des Enfants Terribles fit la connaissance de Francine Weisweiller. Au Printemps 1950 Jean Cocteau passa des vacances dans sa maison de St Jean Cap Ferrat surplombant la baie de Villefranche. Les murs de la villa Ètaient vierges. Jean Cocteau commenca a dessiner des fresques sur tous les murs de la maison. Fresques, mosaiques et tapisserie habillent encore aujourd?hui Santo Sospir. La Villa Santo Sospir est, depuis le 5 mai 1995, inscrite a l’inventaire supplementaire des Monuments Historiques. Visit of the Villa Santo Sospir, where Jean Cocteau used to live and tatoo the walls for 13 years, at Mme Weisweiller’s house, Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, France
Portrait of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) as he smokes a cigarette, Cannes, France, September 11, 1956. Gilot, Françoise; Paulo; Paloma at the beach. Golfe-Juan 1954
Pablo Picasso on the beach September 1937 Pablo Picasso smoking on the beach September 1937
Black and white glass lantern slide of Picasso smoking a cigar on a beach [1937]